Alumni Next Steps

AJAC | Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeships


Since AJAC launched in 2008, we have graduated over 300 apprentices across all of our occupations. These apprentices have gone on to earn their nationally-recognized journey-level credential through the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. AJAC has developed resources to encourage AJAC graduates to pass on their knowledge and become instructors, refine their mentorship skills, and earn an associates or bachelors degree.

AJAC Alumni can help pave the way for new apprentices to become journeymen. In this role, YOU are the greatest advocates for on-the-job training.

AJAC Mentor Youth

Mentorship Matters Training

Maximize Your Mentoring Effectiveness

Having a structured mentorship system is a key component of an effective workforce development strategy. Never has this been more critical than today, with the vast numbers of workers moving to retirement and a broad base of young diverse workers joining the workforce — particularly in the manufacturing sector where 93% of learning takes place on the job.

Targeted at experienced workers, this 2 hour workshop provides late-term apprentices, journey level workers, foremen and above with the leadership skills, strategies and essential tools to mentor and effectively transfer their knowledge and skills to new workers and apprentices on the job site.

Mentorship Matters Training
AJAC apprenticeship program instructor

Become an Instructor

Teach for AJAC

Over the past ten years, AJAC has built one of the largest statewide instructional workforces of industry professionals and subject matter experts, with the vast majority of our 60 part-time instructors currently working in the advanced manufacturing industries.

Most of these instructors teach our apprenticeship classes in the evening and/or weekends, allowing them to continue to work in industry during the day (and helping to ensure that our classroom instruction remains current to the changing needs of these industries).

AJAC is always seeking new instructors with industry experience to teach a variety of concepts and skills during the hands-on classroom training.

View Open Instructor Postions

Earn an Associates Degree

Many of our college partners offer an Associates Degree that can be obtained using the college credits you earned in apprenticeship. Please visit our College Resources web page to find specific degree requirements for each college we work with. Please note, not every college partner offers an Associates Degree in conjunction with credits earned through apprenticeship.