Apprenticeship Requirements
Work for a company AJAC has partnered with. If your employer is not a current partner of AJAC, your company must first sign a Training Agent agreement then you are eligible for apprenticeship.
Be at least 16 years of age or older.
Have a High School Diploma or GED, OR Meet minimum qualifying test scores on either the WOWI assessment (or equivalent placement test), OR Show proof of passing a college level Math and English classes (90 or greater) with a score of 75% or above.
Sign an Apprenticeship Agreement with AJAC and abide by the rules that apply to AJAC apprenticeship training.
Pay apprenticeship rate (discounted 50%) of community college tuition each quarter (approx. $380). Many employers reimburse this tuition cost.
Attend and pass college courses off-hours (typically one night per week).
Participate in mentored on-the-job training and demonstrate progress on the job.
Submit monthly work progress reports.
Frequently Asked Questions
Make sure that you are ready for apprenticeship and have the skills that will drive you to succeed. Below are resources to help you meet the minimum qualifications for AJAC’s advanced manufacturing apprenticeship programs in Washington State.
- Employment: Currently working for a manufacturing company AJAC has partnered with. AJAC is an employer-sponsored program – we only enroll apprentices whom our companies select for apprenticeship
- Age: At least 16 years old. (Exception: 16 for applicants currently enrolled in high school or equivalent credit recovery program).
- Physical: Able to perform the physical requirements of the occupation, with or without reasonable accommodation.
- Education: All occupations unless otherwise noted:
- High School diploma/equivalent or working toward a high school diploma/equivalent. A two-year Associate’s degree will be accepted in lieu of a high school diploma equivalent.
- Production Technician (Youth) and Maintenance/Automation Technician (Youth): enrolled in high school or equivalent credit recovery program.
- Youth Apprenticeship: See the Youth Apprenticeship qualifications.
- Testing: Have a High School Diploma or GED, OR Meet minimum qualifying test scores on either the WOWI assessment (or equivalent placement test), OR Show proof of passing a college level Math and English classes (90 or greater) with a score of 75% or above.
- If you do not have an high school diploma or GED, AJAC will email the new apprentice a login and password for the WOWI exam.
- Please be aware, if the applicant goes to WOWI directly to create their own log-in and take the exam, they will be charged a fee.
- If they have completed the college classes, a copy of their college transcript will need to be submitted for proof of completion.
- Exception: Production Technician (Youth) and Maintenance/Automation Technician (Youth) entering the youth apprenticeship program may show successful completion of high school level Algebra and English relating to graduation requirements in place of the WOWI test scores.
High School juniors (16 years of age and older) who are enrolled at a high school which AJAC has partnered with are eligible for AJAC’s Production Technician (Youth) Apprenticeship or Automation Technician (Youth) Apprenticeship program.
For students who are not eligible for our Youth Apprenticeship program, there are many training programs that help prepare people under the age of 16 for a career in the advanced manufacturing industries. Many local-area high schools have hands-on classes related to the trades, including engineering, wood shop, machining, automotive, welding, etc. Similarly, many high schools also have partnerships with local skills centers. Talk with your counselor about enrolling at a skills center near you.
If you are planning to get your high school diploma, re-submit your information to AJAC after you graduate. To get your GED, check with your local community or technical college for classes and testing. There are also online options that are available. You can always reach out to AJAC’s Regional Program Managers for further assistance.
Please refer to our Assessment Information and Preparation Tools (below) and review the many locations that offer the World of Work Inventory (WOWI).
Please refer to this sample resume when customizing your resume for work in the advanced manufacturing industries. You can also visit WorkSource offices anywhere in Washington State to get help preparing your resume.
If you have any of the following skills, please list each one under the appropriate position in your resume and explain how you demonstrated those skills.
- Knowledge or Experience in the Production Process: whether you’re a dental assistant, sandwich maker, or precision machinist, you probably have learned and worked in some type of production process. Elements of a production process include:
- Meeting deadlines
- Following specific directions or guidelines
- Achieving daily, weekly, or monthly goals
- Measuring
- Quality assurance activities
- Strong Working Knowledge of Manufacturing: list and describe on your resume which job responsibilities you have had in the past that incorporate production techniques (e.g., room turnover for dental assistants or making sandwiches or pizzas correctly according to company guidelines).
- Attention to Detail: Machined parts made for the industry are made with extremely high precision. Being accurate is extremely important. List and describe on your resume any skills or experience that demonstrates your ability to be accurate and detail-oriented.
- Math Skills: Production workers in the advanced manufacturing industries use high-level math (e.g., Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry) on a daily basis. List and describe on your resume any past jobs and tasks which required mathematical calculations.
- Technical Skills or Mechanical Aptitude: in the advanced manufacturing industries, you will work with your hands, so experience in auto repair, woodworking, metalworking, etc., may also be transferable. List and describe on your resume any past jobs, classes or hobbies that exhibit your technical skills or mechanical aptitude.
WORLD OF WORK INVENTORY (WOWI) The WOWI is AJAC’s preferred assessment tool because it provides the most information about interests, aptitudes and abilities and can be used to determine whether you meet the minimum qualifications for an AJAC apprenticeship. In Washington State, the WOWI is offered by many workforce and retraining agencies. It is also available for a reduced fee from wowidirect.com. After completing the WOWI assessment, your results will be immediately available and will provide valuable information about specific careers based on your interests and aptitudes. To take the WOWI Assessment:
- Visit wowidirect.com to register
- Take the assessment
- At the end of the assessment, enter the promotional code: AJAC* to receive your results
*50% discount off of the original assessment fee.
Taking the WOWI Assessment does not place you in AJAC’s apprenticeship program. The WOWI is one method AJAC uses to determine whether you meet the minimum requirements to be qualified to enter an apprenticeship.
There are many websites where you can find information and practice problems for each of these assessments. If you have not taken an assessment recently, we recommend that you practice beforehand. AJAC does not endorse any specific sites; however, the following will be useful in preparing to take the test. The key to succeeding on any of these assessments is to do many practice problems.
- Compass Writing Sample Test
- Compass Reading Sample Test
- ACT COMPASS Writing Skills Sample Test Questions
- ACT COMPASS Reading Skills Sample Test Questions
Mechanical Aptitude
In order to meet the minimum qualifications for apprenticeship, please focus on the following specific areas when visiting the websites listed below:
- Operations with Integers
- Operations with Fractions
- Operations with Decimals
- Positive Integer Exponents, Square Roots, and Scientific Notation
- Ratios and Proportions
- Percentages
- Averages (Means, Medians, and Modes)
Additional Websites:
- Math.com
- Compass Pre-Algebra Test
- Algebra 1 Practice Tests
- ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra
- Advanced Geometry Practice Tests
- ACT COMPASS Math Practice Tests
- Mathematics Sample Test Questions
- Compass/ESL Mathematics Sample Test Questions
- Oakland Community College Math Department Practice Test
- ACCUPLACER Arithmetic Resources
- ACT Math Practice Tests
To prepare yourself for success, you can improve your basic skills through a variety of training programs including pre-employment and pre-apprenticeship training.
To gain foundational manufacturing skills, another option is to consider enrolling in one of the advanced manufacturing training programs below: