Meet Derek, AJAC’s New Workforce Development Coordinator

AJAC’s new intake specialist will work directly with individuals needing guidance to carve their career in aerospace and advanced manufacturing through job-readiness preparation and pre-apprenticeship training.

1.What is the best part of your job so far?

I love helping people. Helping people achieve their goals and bettering themselves for the future, really does something in my soul and motivates me to continue to better myself also.

2. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

I would choose the 44th President of the United State, Barack Obama.  Being the first black President of the United States of America came with a lot obstacles and criticism but he stood tall and didn’t waiver thru all eight years in office.

3. If I could bring one musician back from the dead, who would it be and why?

The King of pop MICHEAL JACKSON!!! Once I saw MJ moonwalk across the floor on the Motown 25th anniversary show, I was hooked!

4. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

At work they call me Diddy, so I guess Sean P Diddy Combs! LOL!!

5. What’s one thing about you that would surprise me?

 I’m world famous karaoke singer in my shower! I love to play music when I take a shower. I sing or rap to all my favorite music.

Aaron Ferrell, August 29, 2017


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