A cohort of AJAC apprentices from American Structures and Design.

Cohort Model of Apprenticeship

Customizable Group Learning for Apprentices

The Cohort Model in Action

What is a Cohort Model of Apprenticeship?


A cohort is a structured highly customizable group learning format where team members progress together resulting in a cohesive standardized apprenticeship program.

Unlike individual apprenticeships, where apprentices might start at different times and progress at their own pace, a cohort model emphasizes collective learning and experience.

Cohorts are specifically tailored to our Industrial Manufacturing Technician and Industrial Machine Operator programs but are suitable for any apprenticeship pathway.

Why The Cohort Model Works

  • Flexibility and Tailored Training: Customize class times and sessions to fit your business needs.
  • Mentor Support: AJAC trains your mentors for effective teaching.
  • Direct Problem Solving: Address shop floor issues in real-time during class.
  • Community Building and Enhanced Collaboration: Foster teamwork and improve skill retention in a supportive learning environment.
  • Employer Commitment: Show dedication to employee growth.
  • Measurable Growth: Track progress with competency checklists.

Steps to Get Started


Contact AJAC’s Regional Program Managers or send us an email.


AJAC will assess your training needs to determine if the cohort model is the right fit for your company. 


Complete the paperwork to make our partnership official. Partnering employers must be registered Training Agents with AJAC. 


Identify your potential candidates to ensure they are ready for the cohort model of learning. 


Select your instructor (this can be an internal or external decision). 


Create a schedule that works best for your cohort and begin your AJAC apprenticeship.

AJAC: Washington State apprenticeships

We Want To Make This Successful

Eligible companies must meet some basic requirements prior to launching our cohort model of apprenticeship: 

  1. Become a registered Training Agent (partnering employer) with AJAC. 
  2. Have 10-12 participants identified to join the cohort
  3. Have a dedicated area for the classroom training portion of the program.