Coffee Chats: Leveraging Apprenticeships to Strengthen Your Workforce

Economic Alliance Snohomish County offers regular webinar’s through their Coffee Chat’s series. The topic on August 17th was Leveraging Apprenticeships to Strengthen Your Workforce. Participants included Angie Sievers, Snohomish STEM; Seth Jacobsen (Sr. Manager, Apprenticeship and Career Development), ATS; Carey Schroyer (Dean of STEM) Edmonds College, Lynn Strickland & Erin Williams, AJAC.

Diversification of our programs to cross multiple industries through the intentional design has been pivotal. Workforce development is a part of economic development and if one industry is experiencing challenges, what other industries can apprentices “cross-over” into to use the skills and knowledge they have learned.

AJAC was asked how we adjusted during the pandemic including our shift from 30 face-to-face classes per quarter, utilizing 50 par-time instructors, to online learning. AJAC also spoke about Youth Apprenticeship, its challenges, and how employers came forward offering virtual tours, and writing letters of support of secure funding.

Lastly the discussion focused on how AJAC is serving Snohomish County residents through pre-apprenticeship training, continuing youth apprenticeship, and working with Workforce Snohomish on new grants to survey logistics-related needs of manufacturing employers.


Aaron Ferrell, August 23, 2021


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